Ian Tilmann Foundation
Ian's Story

More about Ian Tilmann

Do you Skate with a Helmet?
Join "Helmet Nation™"

Do you need a Helmet and Promise to wear one?
Join "Helmet for a Promise™"

Ian Tilmann Skate Park

Foundation Events


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Ian Tilmann Foundation

The Ian Tilmann Foundation Request Form

I am interested in:
 Helmet Nation™ 
 Helmet for a Promise™
Please choose one.

For more information,
please see: Helmet for a Promise™ or Helmet Nation™



Street Address

Address Line 2


State / Province / Region

Postal / Zip Code

 Prefer Not to Say 
Facebook Address
Please Tell Us How Did You Hear About The Ian Tilmann Foundation?
 Skate Magazine 
 Skate Park 
 Skate Shop 
What are your Skate Disciplines?
 Bowl Rider 
 Skate Park 
 Other, explain below. 
Other - Explaination
Your Agreement
 Yes, I agree to join the "Helmet Nation™" movement and Promise to wear a helmet whenever I Skate. I make this promise in memory of Ian Tilmann and all Fallen Skaters who have died. 
 I want to register for a FREE helmet by becoming a member of "Helmet for a Promise". 
I want to help promote and build local support the "Helmet for a Promise™" program. Please sign me up as a Volunteer.
 Yes, please let me know what to do. 
 No, thank you. 
Image Verification
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We thank you for your interest and support and also thank our Helmet Suppliers for their generous support and reasonable pricing and terms that make this program possible


Bern Helmets